Category: Health

Are Green Powders safe during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, a woman’s macro and micronutrient intake needs to be increased significantly (1). Although it’s necessary to increase both types of nutrient, the intake of micronutrients need to increase the most, and this is what green powders focus on. Therefore, it’s natural to look into greens powders. However, even though green powders are a […]

Can Green Powders give you Diarrhea?

It’s not uncommon knowledge that some supplements can cause diarrhea, but do Green Powders also have this annoying side effect? We are here to give you the low-down on the links between Green Powders and diarrhea – what the ingredients are that could give you this side effect and who could be the most susceptible […]

Can Green Powders Boost Alkaline Body pH?

Alkaline diets have been talked about so much recently, and they seem to be the new wellbeing and health ‘hype’. However, we are and have always been interested in the pH of our bodies – we all learned about the pH system in science classes, didn’t we? We have done extensive research into alkalinity and […]

Why You Should Consider Super Greens Drinks Instead of Coffee

Coffee is a highly contested substance – some say that it helps you to lose weight (1) and others say it is linked to early death and infertility (2). No matter how we individually feel about it, the majority of us probably drink a cup or two a day or have done in the past. […]

Fighting Inflammation with Super Green Powders

Inflammation is a vital part of the body’s immune system. It occurs when the human body recognizes a foreign organism, such as microbes, viruses or bacteria. It is the body’s defense mechanism that serves to protect your health from threats. However, inflammation can persist even when there are no foreign invaders present. When the inflammation […]

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