Boosted immune system


The nutrients that help produce immune cells, fight infections

Are you constantly sick? Well, don't worry, you're not alone. With today's fast-paced lifestyle, it's easy to neglect your nutrition; but doing so leads to serious health issues. Your immune system is your body's first and last line of defense, and when it comes to keeping your immune system strong, there is no silver bullet.

Immune benefits

SuperGreen TONIK is your nutritional insurance giving you optimal dosages protecting against diseases such as heart health and a weakened immune system.

The Top 5 Immune-Boosting Nutrients In SuperGreen TONIK

  • 1


    Protects + supports T-cell production

    Besides tasting great, garlic has a lovely aroma that adds flavor to any recipe. Garlic contains over 30 sulfur compounds, most of which possess antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Coupled with various critical enzymes and amino acids, garlic is used to treat influenza, arthritis, cancer, and constipation. Garlic is jam-packed with nutrients that boost your immune system and protect your body from those nasty viruses. Nutrients like sulfur, arginine, selenium, and flavonoids all play a significant role in strengthening the immune system. Garlic also boosts the number of T-cells in your body responsible for combatting the flu.

  • 2

    Olive Leaf Extract:

    Source of antioxidants + protects against viruses

    When you increase your levels of olive leaf extract, you drastically increase the number of antioxidants in your body, which help guard against disease and keep your immune system robust. Olive leaf extract contains a rich source of antioxidants and compounds known as biophenols. The two most notable are Oleuropein and Hydroxytyrosol. These compounds play a critical role in eliciting antiviral and antimicrobial properties, improving overall health, and strengthening the immune system.

  • 3

    Dandelion Leaf:

    Protects the body + eliminates free radicals

    Dandelion Leaf is a therapeutic plant that has been utilized for its medicinal properties for centuries. Dandelion leaf is well known to play a critical role in boosting your body's immune system. It contains high levels of vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C, A, K, and B, along with minerals zinc, iron, and calcium. This powerful medicinal plant also helps with digestive and inflammatory problems. Dandelion leaf is also responsible for eliminating harmful free radicals that cause disease and play havoc on the body's immune system.

  • 4

    Vitamin C:

    Helps produce white blood cells + eliminate free radicals

    Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins when it comes to boosting your immune system and keeping those nasty germs at bay. White blood cells play an essential role in protecting the body against disease, and Vitamin C helps in the production of these cells. Vitamin C has also been shown to help white blood cells function more effectively, protecting the body from harmful free radicals. Vitamin C also acts as an integral part of the skin's defense system and has been shown to quicken the healing of wounds.

  • 5


    Protects the cell walls + stops virus replication

    Zinc is undoubtedly one of the most significant minerals that play a role in strengthening and protecting your immune system. Researchers have suggested that almost two billion people worldwide are zinc deficient, primarily due to a poor diet. Zinc plays a critical role in balancing the immune system, provoking and initiating the human cytokine interferon-alpha, which helps stops viruses from replicating. Zinc is also an element of particular proteins that protect the cell wall against the accumulation of toxic substances.

Ingredients that Support Your Energy

Here’s a few of the ingredients in SuperGreen TONIK with nutrients that support your immune system



Olive Leaf

Olive Leaf

Dandelion leaf

Dandelion lead

Vitamin C

Vitamin C



See All Ingredients

Other Health Benefits

More energy


Increased health and well-being


Reduced anxiety


Increased focus and concentration


Better sleep


Weight management


See All Benefits

Join Thousands Of Healthy Customers

Thousands in the USA and around the world are experiencing renewed energy, improved mental performance, immune support and better health.

Melanie Testimonial

"Increased energy and focus"

Starting my mornings with this shake has given me increased energy and focus. I love the minty flavor 🙂 I’m excited to see the continued benefits! †

– Melanie, USA

Jim Testimonial

"Calm clarity and overall good feeling"

I'm a 56 year old male who works the midnight shift. I take it before work in the evening. It enhances my energy; waking me up but not in a caffeinated way and provides me with a calm clarity and overall good feeling. I plan on continuing to use Super Greens Tonik as I feel it's the best green product on the market and I truly notice the positive way it impacts my health and life. †

– Jim, USA

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