Exercise specialists continually encourage their clients to adopt a lifestyle packed with daily physical exercise, positive habits, and a wholesome eating strategy.
Green powders play a critical role in helping people lose not only weight but also maintain overall health; another prevalent strategy to lose weight is by substituting meals with “meal replacements shakes.” (1)
There are three possible alternatives for a calorie-reduced dietary plan that are often presented to consumers looking to lose weight.
The first option is an R.C.D. or Reduced Calorie Diet, which generally allows between 1200-1600 calories per day. The second option is “prepackaged meals” containing essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals and finally, meal replacements, in the form of juices or smoothies.
This article will examine the scientific research on meal replacements in discovering their effectiveness for helping people lose weight and the role if any, that high-quality greens powder may play.
What Exactly Are Meal Replacements?
The category of Meal replacements can include the following:
- Smoothies
- Prepackaged meals
- Snack or energy bars
- Some breakfast cereals and
- Some frozen supermarket meals
These meal replacements may or may not be utilized in conjunction with other foods and or meals that may supplement the meal replacement in terms of overall essential vitamins and minerals.
Many meal replacements are often sold as meals enriched with vitamins, minerals, and proteins; sometimes, they are merged with the R.C.D. Diet mentioned earlier in order to reach the sought-after daily calorie count.
Is a Single Green Meal Replacement An Option To Consider?
Several studies have been conducted on whether or not meal replacements are actually a viable option when it comes to losing weight (2). One such study in 2011 that was randomly controlled implies that even substituting one of your meals throughout the day with a meal replacement can significantly reduce overall daily calorie intake.
The participants were given meal replacement snacks and or cereal bars manufactured by well-known companies to eat for lunch for over ten days. The results were an average reduction in daily calories by 250 per day or 1812 kilocalories.
In 2004 a similar study was undertaken which looked at the effects of meal replacement cereal bars on those who had reported they struggled with poor late-night snacking habits (3). The study consisted of 25 participants and split them into two groups; cereal and non-cereal.
The cereal group was given a meal replacement cereal with low-fat milk to eat 90 minutes after dinner; the non-cereal group was allowed to eat foods of their own choice.
The result: the cereal group lost 1.85 lbs compared to the non-cereal group who lost 0.39 lbs.
This finding is particularly interesting for sports scientists, nutritionists, and dieticians who have overweight clients. The result may be another option to further investigate and discuss with clients.
It’s important to emphasize that many weight-reducing approaches confirm encouraging short-term effects; however, the longer-term analysis still displays a high level of weight recidivism, where patients reacquire the weight.
It’s always important to remember that several studies show that consistent daily physical activity is the most reliable predictor of continued weight loss and management. This is why personal trainers and sports scientists play a critical role in helping clientele lose weight, particularly fat.
Is There Scientific Data For Green Meal Replacement Methodologies?
Utilizing meal replacements that are prepackaged and marketed as “low calorie” has been shown to be a powerful strategy for losing weight.
A 2003 meta-analysis showed the researchers examined six studies that satisfied stringent investigation methodology standards.
The contributors concluded that partial meal replacement plans could be carefully and efficiently used and are proven to enhance weight-related risk determinants of illness, with participants dropping between 7-8% of weight over a year.
Are You Left Hungry On Meal Replacement Diets?
It has been suggested that those people who use meal replacements to reduce daily calorie intake subsequently offset the calories by eating more at the next sitting. However, this suggestion does not appear to ring true.
Most people modify their behavioral actions in terms of physical activity in order to “adapt” to the new meal replacement plan they’ve undertaken.
The image of a more modest portion-controlled snack may encourage people to take their time while eating and also force them to focus more consideration on physiological cues of hunger.
It is suggested that prospective investigations are justified to decide on any physiological mechanisms connected with meal replacement strategies and hunger.
Practical Applications
Conditioning experts are very conscious that the ability to lose weight successfully must include multiple strategies, including daily exercise, habit modification, and nutritional strategies.
Greens supplements and meal replacements are two such meals that are regularly prescribed to clients who may be struggling with weight loss.
On the whole, greens supplements, although they do provide an abundance of essential nutrients, do not make ideal meal replacements due to their low caloric intake.
It is possible by adding specific “calorie-dense” foods to your green smoothie to turn it from a humble beverage to a full meal replacement. There are a few factors to take into consideration when making your own greens meal replacement like:
- Making absolutely sure the meal replacements contain between 100-300 calories
- Although somewhat controversial in research circles, most experts agree that your meal replacement should include between 10-20 grams of protein per serving.
- When making your greens replacement, be sure to limit sugar intake; you can do this by not adding too much fruit to the greens smoothie.
- Ensure the greens meal replacement is fortified with vitamins and minerals; this is easily achieved, especially if you purchase high-quality, third-party tested greens supplements.
Possible foods to add to your greens meal replacement:
- Peanut butter
- Nuts
- Seeds
- Protein powder
- Banana
So again, yes, greens meal replacements are beneficial in helping people lose weight, but they are only a small piece of a larger puzzle which, as we’ve stated, includes regular exercise, taking time out for yourself, limiting alcohol, and eating a well-balanced diet.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can anyone start a meal replacement diet plan?
No. Before undertaking a plan that comprises greens meal replacements or R.D.C., people should seek advice from their local health care provider or a qualified dietician.
Calorie intake for individuals is very different, so correctly calculating overall daily calories is paramount; there may also be some medications that are negatively affected by a reduction in calories.
How Long Should I Stay On Meal Replacements?
This is entirely up to personal preference, and if used responsibly, there is no time limit on how long you can utilize greens meal replacements. We here at SuperGreen Tonik have been incorporating greens supplements into our diets for many, many years.
All that being said, it may be worth trying a meal replacement plan for a week or two and tracking the way your body responds, both physically and mentally.
Final Words
Due to their low-calorie count, greens supplements by themselves are generally not suitable for a meal replacement.
That being said, as we’ve shown, by adding calorie-dense foods such as protein powder or peanut butter, you can transform your greens smoothie into a potent meal replacement shake.
As always, when making any significant change to your diet, seek the advice of your local health care provider and understand the importance of not an only regular exercise but also eating a well-balanced healthy diet.